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Events at this venue

Central Oregon Intergroup Meeting (Third Sunday)


Due to holidays, the November and December meetings will be on the third Sunday of the month. Not the fourth Sunday. This is an in-person meeting. The Zoom link is for those who may be sick or out-of-town and can’t attend in-person. Thank you. Hybrid Zoom Option ID: 961 1009 6966  PC: 061935 Easy link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96110096966?pwd=RXI5SXNhaFZUTUNWelZjUlNCNWUvQT09

Thanksgiving Day Alcothon


Meeting Every Hour. Potluck 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM AA&Al-Anon speakers start at 7:00 PM Flyer Download

What is General Service?


the Primary Purpose Group Of Alcoholics Anonymous
What Is General Service?!
What is the Difference between District and Intergroup?
What is a "Home Group" and why should I have one?
How do I have a voice and a vote on issues That effect AA

Intergroup Meeting


This is a Closed Hybrid Business Meeting ZOOM Meeting ID - 961 1009 6966 Password - 061935

Intergroup Meeting


This is a Closed Hybrid Business Meeting ZOOM Meeting ID - 961 1009 6966 Password - 061935