October 2010 Intergroup Meeting Minutes (Pending Approval)

Meeting Minutes October 24, 2010 Opening: Chairperson Mark L. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. Date:  October 24, 2010.  Time: 5:30 PM. Place: TEC, Bend.  Attendance sheet was passed. Verified eligible voters and a quorum...

September 2010 Intergroup Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes September 26, 2010 Opening: Chairperson Mark L. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. Date:  September 26, 2010.  Time: 5:30 PM. Place: TEC, Bend.  Attendance sheet was passed. Verified eligible voters and a quorum...

WFS and District 5 Hosts “A Home Group”

On Oct. 2nd the WFS Group in conjunction with District 5 hosted a workshop at Brooks Hall on The Home Group. About 20 attended. As chairman, I, of course had wanted more to be there on a beautiful sunny Saturday after several weeks of cool showery weather. Yet I know...

Thanksgiving Alcathon

Title: Thanksgiving Alcathon Location: Brooks Hall (TEC) Description: All Day alcathon at Brooks Hall (Upstairs at TEC) Date: 2010-11-25 The Alcathons a’comin! The Alcathons a’comin !! What is an Alcathon, you say?? An alcathon is day-long fellowship, food,...

Deschutes and Jefferson county jail Volunteers

The district’s corrections chairperson is looking for volunteers to take meetings into the Deschutes or Jefferson jails. Below are the applications that need to be submitted. Requirements for each: Deschutes County: One year sobriety. No pending Felony cases....

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