May 27, 2012


Chairperson Jerry R. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC at 5:35pm.

Attendance sheet was passed.  Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.  Introductions were made.

Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)

(Alan A – WFS) (Dave W – Tue Night AA) (Mark M – Att. Adj.) (Lee B – Young & Sober)
(Peggy R – MMD) (Dave M – Young & Sober) (Mark S – Madras Oasis) (CJ B – EER)
(Shari A – Chicks w/Chips) (Cory S –As Men See It) (Linda N – Safe Harbor) (Jim B – ABC)
(Jim M – 24 & Alive) (Carrie B – New Horizons) (Kelly A – Primary Purpose) (Darla B – WTGTAL) (Pete M – Men’s Book Study)


(Pam N – Al-Anon) (Jerry R – Chair) (Doug M – Advisory Board) (Mark C – Webmaster) (Linda T – Treasurer) (Shannon R – Step to Sobriety) (Heather R – WTGTAL) (Carrie B – New Horizons) (Bill B – Att. Adj.) (Eileen F – Newsletter) (Mike S – WFS Alt.) (Kasey Z – Rule 62) (Erik J – Entertainment Chair) (Joan C – COIG Office Manager)

A. Approval of Minutes

Amended minutes to add motion on Advisory Board minutes for April.  Minutes were approved as amended.

B.Treasurer’s Report

Contributions down. Have cut costs as much as possible.  Report accepted.

C. Committee Reports:

Al-Anon: There are now 2 new attendees at the Al-Ateen meetings. They are now averaging 4 per meeting. They are looking for a new location for their Spaghetti Feed due to increased costs at current location.

District 5 Liaison: Not Present. Darla attended but had no report.

Entertainment: Erik presented the committee’s financial report.  Kevin K is the Treasurer.  Next outing is the Ochoco Campout.  The corned beef and cabbage function made a $59 profit. June 16 is the summer picnic at Sam Johnson Park.  Flyers are available on the website.

Hot Line: Sherrill announced that the hotline shifts are all being covered. She has ongoing coverage temporarily during the Intergroup Office hours.

Newsletter: Eileen is requesting only IGR’s from each group send in birthdays for the following month.  Eileen will send Newsletter related bills to Linda.

Office: Updated the group on office status, organization, and office hours.

Potluck: Madras Oasis sponsored the potluck.  The next potluck will be sponsored by Tuesday Night AA on June 23 at TEC Brooks Hall.

Schedules: June 15 is the deadline for any schedule changes.  Please send to Shari or Joan.

Website: Mark reported that the website renewal fee is due in August.  Everything is up-to-date.

D. Old Business:

Discussed paying TEC for IGR and Adv. Board meetings space.  A motion was made:

MOTION: Advisory Board to pay $15 per month to TEC for monthly meetings.

A vote was taken on the motion to discontinue the printed copies of the Conscious Contact. The motion passed with YES – 9, NO – 3, and ABSTAIN – 2.  Groups will now print their own copies.  Individuals with subscriptions will continue to receive hard copies of the Newsletter.  The advisory board will discuss a plan for individuals with subscriptions.

  1. E. New Business:



Meeting adjourned at 6:40pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., June 24, 2012 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Joan C, COIG Office Manager


Pattie O, Intergroup Secretary

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