Just wanted to start the conversation of the technical side of going hybrid on the zoom meetings.

The most challenging part of the hybrid meeting and most important is audio. You can get away with bad video but bad audio usually won’t be tolerated. I have put together a simple solution using a cell phone and an inexpensive external mic on a stand. Theses things can be found online. This just my opinion for a simple solution for any meeting looking for ideas


Trs to trrs converter

Phone stand with hot shoe

Connect the phone to zoom. Connect the shotgun mic to the phone via the trrs adapter. Make sure only 1 phone is being used, if another phone is connected to zoom is in the room you will experience a horrible echo. You can set up more phones for additional video angles but the audio on those phones must be completely off.

if you have any questions feel free to call or email me barry.jost@gmail.com 310-293-2954

Again this just my opinion and a suggestion not an recommendation.

Barry J.

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