Central Oregon Speaker Meeting
Eastmont Church 62425 Eagle Road, Bend, OR, United StatesSpeakers Dave G.-Sacramento; Barrett H-Bend View/Download Flyer
Speakers Dave G.-Sacramento; Barrett H-Bend View/Download Flyer
Speakers are Matt C. ~ 32 years Seattle Wa. and Sandy B. ~ 4 years Bend Or. View/Download Flyer
Speakers: Main - Sheri B.-Hermiston- 31 years Becky D.-Redmond-11years
coypaa-flyer (1)
Al – Anon’s State Speaker meeting is coming to Bend the weekend of May 29-31 at The Hampton Inn. There is a desert auction on Friday night. Workshops and meetings during the day on Saturday. Please consider attending the Banquet and Speaker meeting May 30 at 6 pm at Hamptons Inn. Betty Z will […]
View/Download Flyer Milestone & Birthday Celebration Meeting. Do you have a Milestone or Birthday this month? Come Celebrate even if you don’t — all welcome. Birthday Cake, Raffle, AA Paraphernalia and more! Hear from the Milestoners on how they made there recent milestone! Finishing with a sobriety countdown of the total years represented by all […]
June 13th at Cline Falls State Park Meeting at 10 Potluck at Noon Please Bring a Sidedish Hamburgers and Hot Dogs Provided
Speakers Shari B. 28 years Bend Judy W, 8 years Bend
As Men See It Campout Flyer
Milestone & Birthday Celebration Meeting. Do you have a Milestone or Birthday this month? Come Celebrate even if you don’t — all welcome. Birthday Cake, Raffle, AA Paraphernalia and more! Hear from the Milestoners on how they made there recent milestone! Finishing with a sobriety countdown of the total years represented by all the attendees […]
Speakers Jane W. ~ 33 years Bend, Or. Jennie B. ~ 4 years Bend, Or.
View/Download Flyer This Friday speaker will be Alan S. with 5 years! Milestone & Birthday Celebration Meeting. Do you have a Milestone or Birthday this month? Come Celebrate even if you don’t — all welcome. Birthday Cake, Raffle, AA Paraphernalia and more! Hear from the Milestoners on how they made there recent milestone! Finishing with […]
Speakers Chris A. 40 years Green Valley AZ John A. 19 years Bend Or
View/Download Flyer Why does AA send a delegate to NYC every year? Ask Gus! He'll be here Sunday, August 9th from 12-3pm for the post conference report (YAY!) at Compass Park Northwest Crossing Bend. Food will be there too! District 5 provides meat and beverages, you bring the side dish.
Crescent Lake Flyer
Speakers Jeff C. 23 years Portland OR Teri O. 10 years Portland OR
CopyofFlyersForAugustMilestone The speaker is Bob Ray of Redmond Living Sober Group! Milestone & Birthday Celebration Meeting. Do you have a Milestone or Birthday this month? Come Celebrate even if you don’t — all welcome. Birthday Cake, Raffle, AA Paraphernalia and more! Hear from the Milestoners on how they made there recent milestone! Finishing with a […]
click on the flyer below COSM speaker mtg Sept, both speaker