Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2009


Chairperson, Mark L., with the Serenity Prayer, called the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc to order at 5:37 pm on September 27, 2009 at TEC.  Introductions were made and the attendance sheet was passed.

Established eligible voters and a quorum was established at 5:40 p.m.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L. – SOS (IGR); Mark S. – Oasis (Secretary); Charlie A. – Eastside early Risers (IGR); Pat M. – Attitude Adjustment (Adv. Bd.); Sandi L. – Attitude Adjustment (Adv. Bd.); Vera F. – Attitude Adjustment (IGR); Tim M. – Madras Oasis (IGR); Tom H. – Primary Purpose (IGR); Stan E. – As Men See It (Adv. Bd.); Jerry R. – Tues. Night AA (IGR); Mark L. – Steps to Sobriety (Chair); Steve G. – WFS (IGR); Dennis C. – Attitude Adjustment (Treasurer); Mike W. – Oasis (Vice Chair); Theo G. – Attitude Adjustment (News Letter Co-Chair); Rachel H. – Attitude Adjustment (News Letter Co-Chair); Laurakay L. – Tues. Night AA (Web Master); Mike M. – Mens Book Study (IGR); Shari A. – Step Sisters (IGR / Schedules Chair)

Others Present:

Alice L. – Attitude Adjustment (visitor – alt. IGR); Jerry F. – Primary Purpose (visitor)

A.       Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with two corrections (noted on minutes).

B.       Treasurer’s Report

Dennis C. presented the Treasurer’s Report.  Report was approved as submitted.

C.      Committee Reports:

Alanon: Not present.

District 5 Liaison: Not present.

Entertainment: Kevin K. not present.  Mark L. reported that he was at last months committee meeting.  Mostly discussed end of summer picnic and upcoming Halloween party.

Theo G. asked who to contact to obtain Halloween party information (call Heidi or Kevin).

Discussion regarding limiting child attendance fees at functions was tabled.

Approx. $ 2,500 in prudent reserve.

Hot Line: Not present.

Newsletter: Theo G. and Rachel H. reported there were transition problems (paying for printing and mailing up front), but have them figured out.

Stated a need to maintain a current list for secretaries of individual groups.  Charlie A. suggested that the newsletter be mailed to IGR’s (or given to IGR’s at the monthly IG meeting).  Theo asked how to get listings of group’s birthdays.  Mark L. stated that it is the responsibility of each group.

Theo reminded everyone that the cut off for birthday publication is the Tuesday after the IG meetings.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 126; Hotline – 51; Al-Anon – 5.  Income Detail: Books/Lit $852.55; Coins/Misc $715.85; Newsletter $1.32; Deposits $2,758.18.

New catalog with updated literature and book prices are not in yet.

Potluck: Bill L. not present.  Tom H. reported that last night’s potluck had light attendance (approx. 1/2 of normal).  However, food was good.  Was a great potluck.

Schedules: Shari A. reported that the new schedules are ready (box of schedules at this meeting).

Website: Laura Kay reported that the web site is still down.  Explained the situation (see attached information sheet).

D.       Old Business: Until further notice, IG meetings will be held at TEC.  Will pass the hat for the $ 10 / month cost.

Sandi L. stated that a key was needed for TEC meeting room.  Was mentioned that duplicate keys are not readily available.  Suggested to contact Jan (upstairs) and she will let us in.

Discussed meeting location.  Laura S. and Darla B. not present (they were to check on alternative meeting locations) so this is tabled until next month.  Tom H. suggested that this issue be resolved in the October IG meeting.

Dennis C. (Treasurer) working on adding a yearly total column to the donations financial report.  There were some technical issues with the spread sheet and he will fix it.

E. New Business: Sandi L. attended the High Desert Roundup.  Stated it was well organized and had good speakers, but was lightly attended.  Stated that she would like IG to support the roundup through the Conscious Contact.  Sandi has researched the “Yellow Papers” (guidelines on how to do a convention).  This is General Services information.  Motion made that IG allow the Conscious Contact  to advertise and endorse upcoming High Desert Roundup(s) (no financial involvement by IG).  Motion seconded by Stan E.  Discussion ensued.  Charlie A. moved that this motion be tabled until next meeting (bring back to groups for discussion and feedback).

Mike W. (Vice Chair) attended the assembly in Portland last weekend.  Interesting issues discussed: – Discussion to not allow minors to attend meetings without an adult escort, – New Spanish district established in Salem (no longer named “Hispanic”).

Pat M. brought up that Mike can be reimbursed by IG for up to $ 150 in expenses for attending the assembly (needs receipts).

Marl L. stated that Dennis C. (Treasurer) will not be available for 3 of the next 5 IG meetings.  Stated that Dennis could use help with the treasurer duties (or possibly taking over the Treasurer duties).  Asked that this be announced at individual groups.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., October 25, 2009 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Mark S.

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