Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2009


Vice-chairperson, Mike W., with the Serenity Prayer, called the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc to order at 5:34 pm on October 25, 2009 at TEC.  Introductions were made and the attendance sheet was passed.

Established eligible voters and a quorum was established at 5:35 p.m.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L. – SOS (IGR); Mark S. – Oasis (Secretary); Charlie A. – Eastside early Risers (IGR); Pat M. – Attitude Adjustment (Adv. Bd.); Sandi L. – Attitude Adjustment (Adv. Bd.); Vera F. – Attitude Adjustment (IGR); Tim M. – Madras Oasis (IGR); Tom H. – Primary Purpose (IGR); Stan E. – As Men See It (Adv. Bd.); Mike W. – Oasis (Vice Chair); Laurakay L. – Tues. Night AA (Web Master); Shari A. – Step Sisters (IGR / Schedules Chair); Darla B. – WTGTAL (Adv. Bd.)

Others Present:  Ruth G. (Alanon)

A.       Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting (September 27, 2009) were read and approved.

B.       Treasurer’s Report

Pat M. reported for Dennis C..  Report was approved as submitted.

C.      Committee Reports:

Alanon: Ruth G. reported Alanon is handing out a reading to all Alanon/Alateen groups.  Handed out new meeting schedules to IG.  Are looking for Alateen sponsors.  Alateen received a donation of literature from the roundup.  Election of officers coming up in November.  Still working with the AA Hotline.  Bruce stated the need for hotline people to have Alanon meeting schedules.

District 5 Liaison: Not present.

Entertainment: Not present.

Hot Line: Pat R. not present.  Bill L. stated that Pat R. needs updated men’s and women’s 12 step lists from each group.

Newsletter: Not present.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 100; Hotline – 41; Al-Anon – 9.  Income Detail: Books/Lit $686.15; Coins/Misc $571.50; Newsletter $0.00; Deposits $2,283.54.

Stated that office sales are down.

Potluck: Bill L. reported that potlucks are going well.  Stated that 7th Traditions have not been self-supporting (have been $ 33 – $ 44 per potluck).  Tim M. suggested that the basket be passed twice.  Bill stated that IG pays rent for TEC pot lucks (but not other locations).

Bill stated that he would like to step down in January (will be moving in March).  He will help with the transition (Jan – March).

Thanksgiving Alchathon will be held at the Bend Community Center.  Volunteers should call Bill.  Will be accepting donations for Turkeys, etc..

Schedules: Shari A. reported that all is going well.  Mikey has current meeting schedules.

Website: Laura Kay reported that the web site is up and running and that Mikey has e-mail.

Has not received a newsletter for the last two months.  Laura Kay to call Rachel.

Website position term is up in December.

D.       Old Business: Mike W. stated that the Adv. Bd. voted to permanently hold IG meetings at TEC.

Dennis C. to continue as Treasurer through December.  Bruce has expressed interest in assuming these duties in January.

Disussed the motion made in the September 27 meeting by Sandi L. (IG allow the Conscious Contact to advertise and endorse upcoming High Desert Roundup(s) (no financial involvement by IG)).  IGR’s reported feedback from groups:  Shari – Step Sisters supports, Tom – Primary Purpose supports, Vera – Attitude Adj. Supports, Tim – Oasis Group supports, Charlie – East Side Early Risers expressed approval for advertising but should not include the registration form (an insert would be acceptable).  Stan E. made a motion to table this motion until more IGR’s are present.  Tom H. stated that there is a quorum at this meeting and that we should continue.  Vote was taken on this motion and passed.  Minority opinion:  Charlie stated that he does not like the word “endorsement” in the motion.  Motion revised to:  IG allow the Conscious Contact to advertise upcoming High Desert Roundup(s) (no financial involvement by IG).  Motion seconded and passed.

E. New Business: Sign up sheets were passed around for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Alchothons.

Need to make phone calls to people not making IG meetings.  Stated that some folks have not been present over a number of months.  Mike W. to get with Mark L. on this.

IG elections are coming up in December.  Mike W. to contact Mark L. to review bi-laws for positions coming open.  IGR’s asked to bring up the December elections and opening in respective groups.

Darla B. made a motion to change potlucks to once every two months (due to the current financial situation).  Vera stated that the potlucks are not about $’s, but are about the fellowship.  She suggested the possibility of diverting $’s from IG or the entertainment committee funds to the potluck account.  Stan asked Bill how many times in the last six months has the potluck come up short on funds.  Bill stated that the potluck is “holding it’s own”.  IG pays for the potluck TEC rent and this makes it work out.  Darla B. withdrew the motion.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:25 pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., November 22, 2009 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Mark S.

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