Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2009


Chairperson, Mark L., with the Serenity Prayer, called the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc to order at 5:30 pm on November 22, 2009 at TEC.  Introductions were made and the attendance sheet was passed.

Established eligible voters and a quorum established at 5:35 p.m.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L. – SOS (IGR); Mark S. – Oasis (Secretary); Pat M. – Attitude Adjustment (Adv. Bd.); Sandi L. – Attitude Adjustment (Adv. Bd.); Vera F. – Attitude Adjustment (IGR); Stan E. – As Men See It (Adv. Bd.); Laurakay L. – Tues. Night AA (Web Master); Shari A. – Step Sisters (IGR / Schedules Chair); Darla B. – WTGTAL (Adv. Bd.); Rachel H. – Attitude Adjustment (Newsletter Co-Chair); Kevin K. – Primary Purpose (Entertainment Chair); Mike M. – Mens Book Study (IGR); Bill L. – New Horizons (Potluck Chair); Jerry R. – Tues. Night AA (IGR); Pat R. – (Hotline Chair)

Others Present:  Bryan B. – Thurs. Mens Group; Mark L. – Steps to Sobriety; Brian W.

A.       Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting (October 25, 2009) were read and approved.

B.       Treasurer’s Report

Pat M. reported for Dennis C..  Report was approved as submitted.

C.      Committee Reports:

Alanon: Not present.

District 5 Liaison: Not present.

Entertainment: Kevin K. reported there was a committee meeting two weeks ago.  Preparing for the New Years dinner / dance (at the Grange Hall).  Tickets and flyers will be distributed.  Taking donations for prizes for the raffle.

Treasurer stepped down (looking for a replacement).  Will publish in newsletter.

Looking for additional committee members (wants up to 10 members).  Asked IGR’s to bring to groups.  Will publish in newsletter.

Paulina campout will be in July.  Suttle Lake campout will be in August.  These dates are switched from last year.

Kevin’s term is over in March / April of 2010.

Hot Line: Pat R. reported that all shifts are covered.  Needs updated 12 step lists from groups.  Having some issues with Alanon information (web site address, meeting schedules).  Discussed general hot line happenings.  Pat’s term is over on Feb. 01, 2010.  Stan E. brought up that members of his group are reluctant to do 12-step work.

Newsletter: Rachel H. asked for suggestions and asked to field questions.  Mikey asked that the calendars be carefully reviewed before publishing.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 95; Hotline – 39; Al-Anon – 10.  Income Detail: Books/Lit $1,168.70; Coins/Misc $775.00; Newsletter $0.00; Deposits $3,606.95.

Potluck: Bill L. reported that the Bend Thanksgiving Alcathon is coming up.  Handed out a sheet showing host groups, times and service positions.  Can use more people to peel potatoes.

Fee for the Bend Community Center is doubled from last year ($ 300 now).  Darla B. to check last years contract to compare costs.

Schedules: Shari A. has current schedules with her.  Currently working on the new schedule for January.  Asked that changes and additions be sent to Mikey or Shari (deadline is Dec. 01).

Website: Laura Kay reported that all newsletters are now on the web site.  Alcathons are on the calendar also.

D.       Old Business: None

E. New Business: Elections coming up in December.  Positions open:  Vice-chair (2 years), Treasurer (2 years), Web site (2 years), Potluck (1 year) (assume duties for Bill L.), Hot line (2 years), Advisory Board (2 positions – 2 years each).  IGR’s bring to groups.

Mark L read a letter from Hank G..  Hank was a speaker at a past IG potluck.  No PA system was used and he has a medical problem that does not allow him to speak loudly.  Hank has offered to donate up to $ 150 to IG to purchase a PA system.  IG is currently using the Entertainment Committee’s PA system.  Mark L. will contact Hank with this information and express our appreciation.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., December 27, 2009 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Mark S.

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