The Intergroup Bylaws have been amended by a designated Ad-Hoc Committee.

This amendment is a complete revision of the old document.  The spirit of the current bylaws has not been changed. However, large sections have been rearranged for clarity and consistency.
The Ad-Hoc Committee was comprised of the Intergroup Chairperson, 2 Advisory Board Members, and 2 IGRs.

Please download and print the current (“Original”) and new amended (“Proposed”) versions and present them to your group. We are requesting groups to have any changes or comments to their IGRs by the November Intergroup meeting, at which time IGRs will vote on acceptance of the amended bylaws.

Click the links below to open/download PDF versions that can be printed and shared:

Original (i.e., current) Bylaws

Proposed (i.e., new) Bylaws

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