Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2010


Chairperson Mark L. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. Date:  September 26, 2010.  Time: 5:30 PM. Place: TEC, Bend.  Attendance sheet was passed.

Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L. – SOS (IGR); Steve G. – WFS (IGR); Cory S. – As Men See It (Webmaster); Tom R. – Attitude Adj. (Potluck Chair); Heidi S. – Safe Harbor (Entertainment Chair); Mark S. – Madras Oasis (Secretary / Alt. IGR); Debbie R. – Primary Purpose (IGR); Tami T. – New Beginnings (IGR); Jim S. – Safe Harbor (IGR); Kendra – Attitude Adj. (Alt. IGR); Shari A. – Step Sisters (IGR; CJ C. – Eastside Early Risers (IGR); Sherrill H. – New Horizons (IGR); Alice L. – Attitude Adj. (IGR)

Others Present:  Mark L. – STS (Chairperson); Laurakay L. (Vice Chair)

A.            Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting (August 22, 2010) were approved as read.

B.            Treasurer’s Report

No report given.  Treasurer was not present (excused absence).

C.          Committee Reports:

Alanon: Not present.

District 5 Liaison: Steve G. announced that WFS is hosting the seminar “The Home Group”.  To be held at Brooks Hall.

Entertainment: Heidi S. reported that the end of summer picnic had low attendance (and poor weather).  Still working on the voucher issue with the Community Center ($ 150 voucher). Committee will meet in mid-October (no set date yet). New Years Eve is the next scheduled event.

Hot Line: Cory S. reported for Steve. 3 month rotating shifts will change to 6 month rotating shifts.  Looking for alternate hotline help. Had some issues contacting people on 12 step lists. Call logs are being taken by hot line people.

Newsletter: Not present (excused absence). Eileen will receive help with the next newsletter.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 124, Hotline – 60, Al-Anon – 7.  Income Detail: Books/Lit $707.35; Coins/Misc. $681.95; Newsletter ($6.99); Deposits $3,178.41.

Potluck: Tom R. reported that last night’s potluck was very lightly attended.  Host group (Madras Oasis) set up and tore down quickly (great help). Good speakers.  Coffee maker had a malfunction (but worked through it).

Next month (Oct. 23) is in Prineville (location not finalized yet).

Thanksgiving and Christmas alcathons are both scheduled for Brooks Hall.  IGR’s should now begin reserving time slots for helping (see Tom).

Schedules: Shari A. reported that the new (October) schedules are out and here at this meeting.

Website: Cory S. reported that web traffic is consistent with last month’s. Otherwise all is going well.

D.            Old Business: IG tax filing not yet done.  Laurakay will work with Liz to get this done by the October IG meeting.

General discussion regarding how to track and document past meeting motions. Steve G. asked if we had past meeting minutes.  Mikey and Mark S. have past minutes. Laurakay suggested that it would be prudent to have a group archivist.  Kendra stated that she would be willing to make a list of frequently asked questions (with others help).  Would also make directions for officer rotation.  Mark L. suggested we continue to think about and discuss.

E. New Business: Cory S. stated that we are using personal e-mail addresses for all committee members. Suggested that the addresses should be generic (common addresses).  It was decided to do this. Cory will e-mail each committee member and set them up. Will then publish the new common addresses (attached to the COIGAA domain).

Tami T. announced that New Beginnings will be hosting a Halloween party on 10/29/10 at the Pine Forest Grange Hall (6:00 PM).


Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., October 24, 2010 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Mark S.

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