****These Meeting Minutes are Pending Approval at the September26th  IGR Meeting****


Chairperson Mark L. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. Date:  August 22, 2010.  Time: 5:30 PM. Place: TEC, Bend.  Attendance sheet was passed.

Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L. – SOS (IGR); Steve G. – WFS (IGR); Melissa C. – Tues. Back to the Big Book (IGR); Eileen F. – Attitude Adj. (Newsletter Chair); Cory S. – As Men See It (Alt. IGR / Webmaster); Tom R. – Attitude Adj. (Potluck Chair); Heidi S. – Safe Harbor (Entertainment Chair); Jerry R. – Tues. Night AA (IGR); Jennifer S. – Sat. Sisters in Sobriety (IGR)

Others Present:  Mark S. – Oasis (Secretary); Stan E. (Adv. Bd.); Terry J. – Primary Purpose (Adv. Bd.); Mark L. – STS (Chairperson); Pat M. – Primary Purpose (Adv. Bd.); Pattie O. – Safe Harbor (visitor); Carrie – Tues. Night AA (visitor); Sandi L. – Safe Harbor (visitor); Mike S. – New Horizons (visitor)

A.            Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting (July 25, 2010) were read. Minutes approved with one correction.

B.            Treasurer’s Report

Mikey presented the Treasurers report.  Approved as submitted. No physical report handed out due to a printing error. Report will be posted on the web site.

C.          Committee Reports:

Alanon: Not present.

District 5 Liaison: Not present.

Entertainment: Heidi S. reported that the Newberry Crater campout was lightly attended. Suttle Lake campout was also lightly attended (50% down from the past). There were a lot of day visitors, however.

The Community Center is not returning calls regarding the voucher from the Thanksgiving Day cancellation.

The committee held a meeting and expressed a desire to take on another function (depending on the voucher use date at the Community Center). Funds are down due to the low attendance at the campouts.

End of Summer Picnic is set for Sept. 18 at Cline Falls Park.

No set schedule for the next committee meeting.

Hot Line: No formal report.  Hotline people present have been receiving calls.

Newsletter: Eileen F. asked for more clarification about inserting Roundup fliers into the newsletter. Sandi L. (representing the roundup) brought up IG discussions in 2009 and also AA “Yellow Papers”.  Asked that IG reconsider their stance from the July 2010 meeting. Discussion took place and a motion was made and seconded to allow the inserted flyers.  Motion passed.

Brought up an issue with listing birthdays in the newsletter.  A member is requesting that birthdays be listed in a particular format:  name, group, sobriety date, date of celebration, time and place of celebration.  Stated that this is a lot of information to include and the majority of birthday announcements do not include all of this information. Liz (past newsletter chair) stated that this information should be included at the discretion of the newsletter chair (Eileen agreed with this statement). Terry J. stated that this format was passed in an IG motion several years ago.  Eileen made a motion to revise the birthday format (name, date, sobriety years, home group).  Motions seconded and passed.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 134, Hotline – 77, Al-Anon – 10.  Income Detail: Books/Lit $950.20; Coins/Misc. $661.15; Newsletter $22.59; Deposits $3,089.74.

Potluck: Tom R. reported that this month’s potluck is next weekend. Steve asked about the potluck format. Asked if hosting groups could introduce speakers. Tom is open to this type of format and will discuss with hosting groups before the potlucks.

Schedules: Mikey stated that Sept. 15 is the deadline for changes / additions to October schedules.

Website: Cory S. handed out a web traffic report (flat traffic activity last month). Still working on the extra services that are not needed (resulting in extra expenses).

D.            Old Business: Asked for nominations for Treasurer.  Liz T. (Attitude Adjustment) was nominated, seconded and accepted to assume the roll of IG Treasurer for the remainder of this term (ends 12/31/11).

E. New Business: Noted that we are past the extension date of Aug. 15 to file the IG tax report.  This will need to be done ASAP.

Melissa C. asked how we track motions from past meetings. Discussion included: past minutes, past IGR’s, etc.).

Terry J. stated that the Central Oregon Fellowship Hall has a new board. Stated that they may be willing to rent the building for future functions.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:26m.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., September 26, 2010 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Mark S.

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