June 23rd, 2013


Chairperson Vickie M. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC(St. Hellens) at 5:30pm.

Attendance sheet was passed.  Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.  Introductions were made. Vickie reminded individuals about voting eligibility.  Only IGR’s and AB members are eligible to vote.

Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)

(Fred B-Attitude Adj) (Pattie O-Safe Harbor) Steve G WFS)(Doug M-Adv. Board)(JD W-As Men See It)(Doug M Adv Board)(Dave W-Tue. AA)(Joe W New horizons)(Reed K Redmond Rebels)(Scott H Oasis, SOB) (Bill O-Adv Board)(Pete M Mens Bookstdudy)


(Vickie M- Chair)(David W-Rec. Sec)(Jennifer C.)(Joan C-Office Manager) (Liz T)(Mark C)(Linda T)

A. Approval of Minutes

Minutes were read and approved

B. Treasurer’s Report

Linda was presented the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statements as of  May 15, 2013.  Total income was $2900.57 and total expense was $2804.42.  There was discussion to add the YTD statements to the report.  Linda has finished the taxes and the IRS has asked for a $100 late filing fee for the 2011 taxes.   We switched phone service to Centurylink with a better rate and no start up fee.

C. Committee Reports:


Monthly Office Report: Total Office calls were 68 with 102 after hour calls.  There were 90 Office Visitors.   Income:  Books and Literature- $1051.15; Coins and Misc.- $713.30; Donations- $1103.12;  Potluck- $73.00.  Book and Coin orders- $1263.73.   We have transferred phone service to Centurylink. It will aid in the ability to transfer calls easier.  Linda was able to cancel with Bendbroadband without any termination fees.




Jennifer has been making announcements at meeting requesting info for the newsletter.  If you would like to submit anything the email address is on the website.


Potluck was a great turnout. Dave had a PA system for the speakers to use but there wasn’t an extension cord.  The speakers were Jensine-AA and Jerry-Al-Anon.  Donations were $45 and next month it will be hosted by The Safe Harbor group.


Everything is going great and Pete would like to thank Joan for her continued help.


Mark would like to install a plugin for the Newsletter and was asking about what entertainment committee events should be posted.

D. Old Business:

Vice Chair position is open

Secretary Position is open.  Please come to our next meeting to run for either position.

E. New Business:

Motion made and passed to allow Entertainment Committee to post events on the website as long as it encompasses an AA meeting.

Steve G requested that we form some guidelines of what may or may not be posted to the website(ad hoc).


Meeting adjourned at 6:30pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, June 23rd at TEC.

Yours in Service, David W

Intergroup Secretary

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