Meeting Minutes

December 27, 2009


Chairperson, Mark L., with the Serenity Prayer, called the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc to order at 5:32 pm on December 27, 2009 at TEC.  Introductions were made and the attendance sheet was passed.

Established eligible voters and a quorum established at 5:35 p.m.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L. – SOS (IGR); Pat M. – Attitude Adjustment (Adv. Bd.); Vera F. – Attitude Adjustment (IGR); Stan E. – As Men See It (Adv. Bd.); Laurakay L. – Tues. Night AA (Web Master); Shari A. – Step Sisters (IGR / Schedules Chair); Darla B. – WTGTAL (Adv. Bd.); Rachel H. – Attitude Adjustment (Newsletter Co-Chair); Kevin K. – Primary Purpose (Entertainment Chair); Mike M. – Mens Book Study (IGR); Jerry R. – Tues. Night AA (IGR); Pat R. – (Hotline Chair); Mike W. – Oasis (Vice Chair); Bob K. – As Men See It (IGR); Dennis C. – Attitude Adj. (Treasurer); Sara L. New Horizons (IGR); Charlie A. – East Side Early Risers (IGR); Jennifer S. – Sisters In Sobriety (IGR); Jerry F. – Primary Purpose (Alt. IGR); Steve G. – WFS (IGR)

Others Present:  Mark L. – Steps to Sobriety; Corey S. – As Men See It; Tom R. – Attitude Adj.; Terry J. – Primary Purpose

A.       Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting (November 22, 2009) were read and approved.

B.       Treasurer’s Report

Dennis C. reported. Report was approved as submitted.

Mark L. explained the reason we go over this report is to bring back to the groups (IGR’s).

Dennis C. stated that he would step down as treasurer if a replacement is found.

C.      Committee Reports:

Alanon: Not present.

District 5 Liaison: Not present.

Entertainment: Kevin K. reported the New Years Eve dinner was canceled due to lack of support.  Still had the dance/raffle.

Kevin stated that a lot of people on the committee are stepping down.  This puts the future of the committee in doubt.

Will have a committee meeting in a few weeks.

Rachel asked about committee positions open for election.

Hot Line: Pat R. reported things are going O.K.. 12 step lists are updated. There are continuous Alanon questions. Not sure were to send people for resources. Alanon is not providing information to us.  Position open in January.

Newsletter: Rachel H. reported that everything is going well.  Mailing appears to be resolved. Hand delivering to post office and not being sent through machines.  Getting a lot of stories.  Terry asked about updating mailing lists (2 copies to larger groups?).  Questions asked about birthday information. Rachel stated that information was needed by the deadline to make the newsletter.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 95; Hotline – 52; Al-Anon – 7.

Income Detail: Books/Lit $907.65; Coins/Misc $745.05; Newsletter $1.57; Deposits $2,389.83.

Potluck: Bill not present. Tom R. stated that during the potluck, Bill went to the store for more food. Not sure what was wrong. Tom is willing to serve as Potluck chair.

Schedules: Shari A. reported that January schedules are done and available. Changes should be sent to Mikey.

Website: Laura Kay reported all is going well.

D.       Old Business:

E. New Business: Elections:  Laura Kay L. (Vice Chair); Tom R. (Potluck Chair); Corey S. (Website Chair); Terry J. (Adv. Bd.); Stan E. (Adv. Bd.)

The treasurer and Hotline Chair elections will be held at the Jan. 2010 IG meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:44 pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., January 24, 2010 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Darla B. (for Mark S.)

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