Title: Thanksgiving Alcathon
Location: Brooks Hall (TEC)
Description: All Day alcathon at Brooks Hall (Upstairs at TEC)
Date: 2010-11-25

The Alcathons a’comin! The Alcathons a’comin !!
What is an Alcathon, you say?? An alcathon is day-long fellowship, food, companionship and marathon meetings, held on THANKSGIVING and CHRISTMAS day.

Holidays are difficult for many alcoholics, and fellowship gathering can mean a world of difference for newcomers and old-timers alike.

Food and fellowship begin at 8 am, and hourly meetings are held throughout the day, sponsored by various groups. Holiday potluck items are brought by volunteers, and are available all through the day. The evening features a speaker from 8pm to 9pm.

Come for a while, or stay the whole day. Bring the family. Games, conversation, laughter, and true feeling abound. Brooks Hall, Upstairs TEC SEE YOU THERE !!!

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