September 23, 2012

Chairperson Jerry R. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC at 5:35pm.

Attendance sheet was passed.  Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.  Introductions were made. Jerry reminded individuals about voting eligibility.  Only IGR’s are eligible to vote.

Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)

(Dave W – Tue Night AA)(Peggy R – Make my Day)(Shari A – Chicks w/Chips)(Patsy S – OHF) (Bev D – SIS) (Mel C – Not a Glum Lot) (Scott H – Oasis Madris)(Debra M – Att. Adj.) (Kasey Z – Rule 62)(Steve G – WFS)


(Yvonne L – Sat Med)(Kim T – Thur. Noon Womens)(Lurlyne B – Visitor)(Renee D – 24 & Alive) (Teryce K – Visitor)(Erik J – Entertainment Chair)(Bill B – Att Adj) (Jerry R – Chair) (Pattie O – Secretary) (Mark C – Webmaster)(Joan C – COIG Office Manager)(Pam N – Al-Anon) (Rich S – RDM Rebels)(Mark L – STS)(Doug M – Sat Med)(Linda T – Treasurer) (Mark C – Sober Desire)(Kim A – DCM)(Heidi S – ABC)(Vickie M – Tue Night AA)

A. Approval of Minutes

Minutes were read and there were 2 changes.  Approved as amended.

B.        Treasurer’s Report

Linda presented YTD, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statements.  Total income was $2,510.98 and total Expense was $2,803.78.  Report was approved.

C.        Committee Reports:

Al-Anon: Pam encouraged the Potluck chair or groups chairing the potluck to please call her for Al-Anon speakers.  She asked that her number be distributed.  Pam M – 541-480-2919.  She believes that they have a venue for the spaghetti feed in February.  She will have more information later.  They have been talking to counselors regarding getting interest for Al-Ateen.

District 5 Liaison: Mike S had just come from the Area Assembly at the Fairgrounds and said that the motion regarding the Short Form of the 11th Tradition is going to be coming back to the groups for another vote.  (See your GSR or the Area Assembly minutes on-line)

Entertainment: Erik J talked about the theft from their Treasury and reminded everyone that the Committee is currently taking care of the issue.  The person involved has been paying back the money on a monthly basis.  It was discussed that perhaps they could have someone separate from the Treasurer to get a copy of the bank statements.  Doug pointed out that Intergroup is currently responsible for the taxes each year of which the Entertainment Committee falls under.  The Committee has changed their reporting procedure to help prevent another event like this in the future.  It was again decided to talk more in New Business.

Office / Hot Line: Joan will be reporting for both Office and Hotline since Sherill, the Hotline Chair is unable to attend the IGR Meetings.

Monthly Office Report:  Telephone Activity:  (combined office and after hours)

Office/Hotline  112 calls,  12th Step/Help 15 calls; , Al-Anon 24 calls.  There were 72 walkins.

Income:  Book and Literature – $512.36; Coins and Misc. – $518.10; Donations – $1,369.19; Potluck – $111.12.  Book orders – $715.57 and Sobriety Coin orders – $316.00.

Sherrill and others are passing around new 12th Step Volunteers list.  Jack and Joan are making calls from office to update previous information from 2010.  Joan also passed out the monthly breakdown activity in the office as well as a comprehensive Group donation list.  If you are not receiving this information, please have your groups’ IGR attend the monthly IGR meeting or call Joan for a copy.

Newsletter: Not Present.

Potluck: Attitude Adjustment group was the host for the month.  They were also hosting the Area Assembly.  The turnout was small, but Bruce and Sandy L were available to make it happen.  They were thanked for their service.  Next month the Potluck will be in Prineville.  Patsy from Open Hand Fellowship distributed flyer for the event and encouraged everyone to attend.

Schedules: The new October schedules were brought in and Shari distributed them.  She noted that there was a change she learned about after the printing.  She again encouraged everyone with changes to let the following people know:

Schedules, Webmaster, Newsletter, and Joan at the Intergroup Office.  All of these emails can be found on the website under contacts.

Website: Website is being updated.  He was on vacation and didn’t get the letter to the groups posted, but will do so.  We get approximately 1,000 hits on the site per month.

D. Old Business:

More discussion on the Entertainment Committee issue.  Yvonne read a letter from an individual AA member.  The letter will be posted on the website for viewing.
(Link to letter: Letter to Intergroup)

  1. E. New Business:


Meeting adjourned at 6:32pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30pm on October 28, 2012 at TEC.

Yours in Service, Pattie O, Intergroup Secretary

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