October 28, 2012


Chairperson Jerry R. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC at 5:31pm.

Attendance sheet was passed.  Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.  Introductions were made. Jerry reminded individuals about voting eligibility.  Only IGR’s are eligible to vote.

Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)

(Dave W – Tue Night AA) (Peggy R – Make my Day) (Shari A – Chicks w/Chips) (Patsy S – OHF) (Bev D – SIS) (Scott H – Oasis Madris) (Debra M – Att. Adj.) (Kasey Z – Rule 62) (Alan A – WFS) (Lee B – New Horizon’s) (Linda N – Safe Harbor) (Cameron S – As Men See It) (Pete M – Men’s Book Study (Mike S – Primary Purpose) (Reed K – Redmond Rebels)


(Jerry R – Chair) (Pattie O – Secretary) (Mike S – WFS) (Linda T – Treasurer) (Vickie M – Vice Chair) (Mark C – Webmaster) (Joan C – COIG Office Manager)

A. Approval of Minutes

Minutes were read and approved.

B.        Treasurer’s Report & Office/Hotline

Linda presented YTD, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statements.  Total income was $3984.22 and total Expense was $3019.60.  Report was approved.  Debra M asked if we were seeing an upward trend with our income.  It was explained that there is no way of really knowing yet since some groups only donate on a quarterly basis.

Office / Hot Line: Monthly Office Report:  Telephone Activity:  Office/Hotline (combined office and after hours) 94 calls, 12th Step/Help 19 calls; , Al-Anon 11 calls.  There were 88 walkins.  Income:  Books and Literature – $1,422.60; Coins and Misc. – $955.55; Donations/Potluck – $1,605.80.  Book orders – $624.82 and Sobriety Coin orders – $221.60; Other Misc; $107.35.

Joan also passed out the monthly breakdown activity in the office as well as a comprehensive Group donation list. (see your IGR for specific information) She was asked if we get a profit from our literature.  Joan stated that we do not profit above what she buys on conference approved literature, however, we do get a little profit from Hazelton books and other misc.

C.        Committee Reports:

Al-Anon: Not Present.

District 5 Liaison: Mike S informed the body that there were 3 tabled motions from.  The first was to change the Hospitals Committee chairs from 3 people to 2 using North and South Oregon as reference.  The second was for the Oregon Area to create a card for individual birthday people to send in donations on their birthday.  The 3rd was to add Past Delegates living in Oregon, but having served as Delegates in a different state to be funded for Assemblies.  (See your GSR or the Area Assembly minutes on-line)

Entertainment: Not Present.  Mike from WFS said that we really need to talk about this issue.  His group has said they will not support the current committee unless they fall back under the umbrella of Intergroup and they would like to create a new Entertainment Committee that would report to the IG Treasury and provide monthly reports.  It will be discussed in Old Business.

Newsletter: Eileen said that she has increased the pages of the newsletter for more efficient printing.  She also stated that her position is over at the end of the year.

Potluck: Potluck was in Prineville and there was a good turnout.  This is the last of the potlucks for the year.  November and December will be having Alcathons.  He sent around a sign-up sheet for groups hosting hourly meetings and individuals to volunteer to help cook and serve.

Schedules: Shari did not have the schedules available.  Her commitment is also ending at the end of the year.  Everyone with changes, please let the following people know:

Schedules, Webmaster, Newsletter, and Joan at the Intergroup Office.  All of these emails can be found on the website under contacts.

Website: Website is up-to-date.  We are still getting approximately 900-1,000 visitors on the site per month.  He presented a graph by month of how many people are accessing the Conscious Contact webpage.  It ranged from 25 – 104 from January through October with September having the 104.

D. Old Business:

Entertainment Committee Issue:  Much discussion since this month there was no representation from the Committee Chair and again no financial report.  Most of the IGRs requested that we discontinue affiliation with them.  Vickie M stated that she would be going to the Committee’s meeting and would get information.  It was determined that they will have one month to get the reports and information to the IGR’s.  No motions were made.  It was again tabled for discussion in November.

  1. E. New Business:
  • There will be 7 Intergroup positions coming up for a vote in December.  Nominations will be accepted in November and voted on in December:  They are:
    • Intergroup Chairperson
    • Intergroup Secretary
    • (2) Odd Year Advisory Board Members
    • Newsletter Chair
    • Schedules Chair
    • Potluck Chair
  • Intergroup Office Hours:  A motion was made and passed in the Advisory Board meeting that the Intergroup Office will close hours on Saturdays.  In addition, Joan will be training a new volunteer to fill in for her when she is on vacation and/or sick.  Jack M (the Assistant Office Manager) is currently in the hospital with COPD.  It is unclear as to whether he will return or not.


Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30pm on November 25, 2012 at TEC.

Yours in Service, Pattie O, Intergroup Secretary

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