Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2010


Chairperson Mark L. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. Date:  October 24, 2010.  Time: 5:30 PM. Place: TEC, Bend.  Attendance sheet was passed.

Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L. – SOS (IGR); Steve G. – WFS (IGR); Cory S. – As Men See It (Webmaster); Tom R. – Attitude Adj. (Potluck Chair); Jim S. – Safe Harbor (IGR); CJ C. – Eastside Early Risers (IGR); Darla B – WTGTAL (Adv Bd); Liz T – Attitude Adj (Treasurer); Wayne S – As men see it (Hotline); Pat M – Primary Purpose (Adv Bd); Stan (Adv Bd); Reed K – Redmond Rebels (IGR); Jim B – abc group (IGR); Jerry R – Tues Nite (IGR); Eileen – Attitude Adj (newsletter)

Others Present:  Mark L. – STS (Chairperson); Laurakay L. (Vice Chair)

A.        Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting (September 26, 2010) were approved as read.

B.        Treasurer’s Report

No report given.  Liz shared the donations list.  Report not completed because filing the late taxes was her priority.  Taxes file. 2010 is almost all input into Quickbooks. She will email the current report to those who asked for it.  Report approved, as submitted (i.e. only donations list).

C.        Committee Reports:

Alanon:  Not present.

District 5 Liaison: Not present. Steve G. recapped the WFS seminar “The Home Group”.

Mark L indicated the fundraiser next week is for PNC (Pacific Northwest Conference).

Entertainment:  Not present (excused).  Committee will meet Thursday.  Gearing up for New Years Eve, the next scheduled event.

Hot Line: Wayne reported he is waiting for the call logs from volunteers, but early returns show the majority of the calls are meeting inquiries, with some 12-step and “other” calls.

He is almost out of Western Directories and the hotline is still getting non-Central Oregon calls.

Open shift:  Saturday 9:00 p.m. to Sunday 9:00 a.m.

Wayne plans to sent 12-step sign up sheets to groups again in December.  He mentioned people listed as “anytime” had jobs and other commitments.

Newsletter:  Eileen discussed the issue of her subscription list, which does not include end-dates. She will print an announcement in this issue requesting anyone who thinks they get a paid subscription to contact her with start and end dates.  Deadline will be end of the year.  No reply means no issue in January 2011.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 132 Hotline – 63, Al-Anon – 6.  Income Detail: Books/Lit $693.25; Coins/Misc. $849.30; Newsletter $21.00; Deposits $3,441.74.

Potluck:  Tom R. reported that last night’s potluck in Prineville was a “big time success”. .

Next month’s event is the alcathon at Brooks Hall. Thanksgiving and Christmas alcathons are both scheduled for Brooks Hall.  IGR’s should now begin reserving time slots for helping (see Tom).

Schedules:  No report.

Website:  Cory S. reported that web traffic is consistent with last month’s. Otherwise all is going well.

Cory plans to create generic site specific email addresses for the officers of Intergroup, but was unable to finish this month.

He has installed a feature that notifies your email that the website has changed.  This is available to anyone who registers on the site.

D.        Old Business:  IG tax filing done.

Melissa created a recap of motions in MS Word.  Great work.  Suggestions included dividing committee, one per page.  Darla will put the old minutes into MS Excel and work with Melissa to combine.

Mark L would like a separate recap of positions, responsibilities and terms.  We believe Kendra is willing.

we continue to think about and discuss.

E.        New Business: Tom from Potluck invited groups to email him or sign up for meeting slots (bulletin board at TEC) for both Christmas and Thanksgiving.  He needs volunteers to work the alcathon – 2 hour shifts as greeters, cooks, dishwashers, etc.  He is open to suggestions for a speaker for Thanksgiving if anyone knows a November birthday.  Tom also encourages attendees to bring a potluck dish.

Wayne requested an additional order of Western Directories.  Six total $20.  Motion passed.

Discussion about an Intergroup copy of Quickbooks was tabled.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., November 28, 2010 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Laurakay L

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