
The regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. was called to order at 5:32 p.m. on 11/27/11 at TEC – Bend by Jerry with the Serenity Prayer.

Introductions were made and the attendance sheet was passed. Established eligible voters and a quorum was established.

Voting Members Present:

Charles C. (new Horizons); Jim B. (ABC); Erica B. (Step Sisters); Darla B. (WTGTAL/Vice Chair); Steve G. (WFS); Dave W. (Tues Nite AA); Daniel B. (Make My Day); Kelly A. (Primary Purpose); Eileen (Attitude Adj./Newsletter); Mikey (SOS Group); Stan E. (Safe Harbor); Liz T. (AA/ Treasurer); Mel C. (Not a Glum Lot); Cory S. (As Men See It/Website); Nick C. (Rule 62); Eric W. (Men’s Book Study); Doug M. (Attitude Adjustment); Bill B. (Attitude Adj./Adv. Brd); Shari A. (Chicks w/Chips); Mark S. (Madras Oasis)

Others Present:

Heidi S. (Entertainment Chair); Kim A. (Dist. 5 DCM); Alan A. (Potluck Chair); Jerry R. (Chairperson)

Eligible voters were established and a quorum was established.

A.        Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as read.

B.        Treasurer’s Report

Liz presented the Treasurer’s report, which was approved as submitted.

C.        Committee Reports:

Alanon: Corey (website) reported for Pam that the Al-ateen meeting is moving to the Methodist Church on Wednesday’s from 4-5 p.m. located on Kansas & Bond St., Bend.

District 5 Liason: Kim reported the bid went in for Dec. 2012 Svc Assembly. Bend won bid. They have scheduled the event to be held at the Redmond Expo Ctr Sept. 21-23, 2012. The 1st fundraiser for the event will be on Jan. 28, 2012 at Redmond pool. There will be food served at event. Mike the District alternate DCM will be visiting mtgs in the area with Kim. Chairperson for 2012 Assembly is Roberto and Don is in charge of fundraising committee.


Heidi provided treasurer’s report. No expenses or income since last event. New Years event will be catered by Tate & Tate, flyers given out. Donation cans for raffle items, each group can make donatinos. Tickets available Dec. 1st with area representatives. Event will be held at Pine Forest Grange Hall. 55 tickets for dinner, unlimited for dance. Next meegin Dec. 1st, 7pm, Lauralynn house, Redmond.

Hot Line: Not present. Position will be open for new chair at next IGR meeting.

Newsletter: Eileen reported all is going well. Asked IGR’s to send birthdays to newsletter @ at least a month earlier than the birthday.

Office: Mikey provided office report, no questions. Oct. 16 – Nov. 15 Telephone: Office 82; hotline 51; Al-Anon 2. Income: Books/Lit $445.20; Coins/misc $628.590; Newsletter $0.00; Deposits $2386.75.

Pot Luck: Alan reported the alcothon went well, got good feedback from all. Reported the Christmas Alcathan is coming up, will be held at Brooks Hall from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. needs IGR’s to sign-up today to chair hourly meeting, passed around signup sheets for potluck help. Speaker from 7 – 8 To Be Announced. Would like someone available for at least half a day next year to help with the potluck so he is able to take some time off if possible.

Schedules: Shari reported she has some schedules available. Needs changes by Dec. 8th so new schedules will be ready at Dec. 18th IGR meeting.

Web-Site: Corey reported all going well. Got flyer for NY Eve party and will be posted within a few days.

D.        Old Business

Elections: Doug will stand for one advisory board position, leaving one remaining. Provided a brief description of all open positions for IGR’s. People interested need to be at next meeting on Dec. 18th to stand for position.

E.         New Business

No new issues. Asked IGR’s to continue announcing open positions at meetings.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:23 p.m. by Jerry. The next general meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 18th, 2011 at TEC – Bend.

Yours in Service,

Darla B. (acting for Patti O.)

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