Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc

Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2011


Chairperson Jerry R. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. Date: March 27, 2011. Time: 5:30 PM. Place: TEC, Bend. Attendance sheet was passed.

Verified eligible voters and a quorum was established.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L – SOS; Shari; Debbie R – Primary Purpose; Jerry R – Tues N. AA; Pattie O – Safe Harbor; Wayne S – As Men See It; Eric W – Men’s Book Study; Jim B – ABC; CJ – East Side Early Risers; Mark M – Attitude Adj; Steve G – WFS; Darla B – WTGTAL; Tami T – New Beginnings; Aaron D – 24 &

Others Present: Heidi S. – Entertainment Chair; Alan A. – Potluck Chair; Tami R – Madras Oasis; Mark S – Adv. Bd.; Liz T – Treasurer; Kim A – Alt. DCM; Kathi C – DCM; Tim S – Men Book Study; Sherrie M – Al-Anon Liaison;

A.            Approval of Minutes

The February minutes were read and approved.

B.            Treasurer’s Report

Liz reported that the Federal and State taxes have been filed. She also paid TEC for the Potluck room for the year. She thought it was for 2010, but Mikey thought it should have been for 2011. Liz will check with TEC for confirm the year. February Treasurer’s report was approved.

C.            Committee Reports:

Al-Anon: Sherrie M will be the new Al-Anon Liaison. They will possibly change the spaghetti feed date to allow for better weather. She also asked IGRs for suggestions for fund-raisers that Al-Anon can put on.

District 5 Liaison: Kathi will be acting as the Liaison and get Intergroup statistics from Mikey, Wayne, and Cory to provide a report at the Area Assemblies. She also reported that there was a special Grapevine meeting where 20 people attended.

Entertainment: Heidi S. presented the Treasurer’s report for Entertainment. She has currently no scheduled meetings. Corned-beef and cabbage day was well attended and a lot of fun. Steve from WFS had some questions from his group regarding why the Intergroup Entertainment Committee was combining with PNC for a fundraiser. Wayne explained the Intergroup Mission Statement and how we participate and cooperate between AA and Intergroup.

Hot Line: Wayne report that he had put out an email to Hot Line volunteers. Some volunteers serve on a 3-month basis and some on a 6-month schedule. They have been very accommodating. His term is up at the end of the year and he has had some good response from various people that may want to step up for the position. He did not have a hot-line count because it was still in Arizona. He was grateful to be back and healthy.

Newsletter: Chair not present.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 72, Hotline – 40, Al-Anon – 5. Income Detail: Books/Lit $1249.50; Coins/Misc. $532.85 Newsletter $<1.56>; Deposits $2,910.77.

Potluck: Alan reported that the March Potluck was the largest he’s ever seen. They ran out of chairs. He said that June is the only month left to fill and Wayne volunteered his group “As Men See It” to host June. April potluck will be in Prineville. Also, the new Al-Anon Liaison gave her number as a contact for groups that need to find Al-Anon speakers.

Schedules: Shari A. not present, but left the new schedules for everyone to take to their groups.

Website: Chair not Present.

D.            Old Business:

  • Newsletter Issue: Since it was the 2nd month that the newsletter chair was not present, Debbie R made a motion: “That Birthdays be announced by Group in the Conscious Contact”. The motion was voted on and passed, with 2 opposed. The minority opinion spoke that they voted against because they felt that the Newsletter Chair should have been able to be present before voting. The chairman asked if anyone wanted to change their vote. One person did, therefore the motion was voted on again. The motion still PASSED.

E. New Business:

  • Vice-Chair is stepping down from her position. All groups were asked to take the position information back to their respective groups so that we can hopefully elect someone next month.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:29pm. The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., April 24, 2011 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Pattie O

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