Meeting Minutes March 28, 2010


Chairperson Mark L. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. Date:  March 28, 2010.  Time: 5:30 PM. Place: TEC, Bend.  Attendance sheet was passed.

Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L. – SOS (IGR); Vera F. – Attitude Adjustment (IGR); Shari A. – Step Sisters (IGR / Schedules Chair); Jerry R. – Tues. Night AA (IGR); Sara L. – New Horizons (IGR); Kendra  – Safe Harbor (IGR); Pat M. – Att. Adj. (Adv. Bd.); Stan E. – As Men See It (Adv. Bd.); Mark S. – Oasis (Alt. IGR / Secretary); Darla B. – WTGTAL (IGR); Steve G. – WFS (IGR); Eric W. – Men’s Book Study (IGR); Terry J. – Primary Purpose (Adv. Bd.); Debbie R. – Primary Purpose (IGR); Jennifer S. – Sisters in Sobriety (IGR);

Others Present:  Mark L. – Steps to Sobriety (Chair Person); Cory S. – As Men See It (Website); Tom R. – Attitude Adj. (Potluck Chair); Hank G. – As Men See It (Treasurer); Laurakay L. – Tues. Nite AA (Vice Chair); Daryl L. – As Men See It (guest); Wayne S. – As Men See It (Hotline Chair); Theo G. – Attitude Adj. (Newsletter Chair); Dave W. – Tues. AA (Dist. 5 Liaison)

A. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting (March 28, 2010) were read. Minutes approved as read.

B. Treasurer’s Report

Dennis C. presented the Treasurers report.  Report was approved.  Stated that group donations are down.

C. Committee Reports:

Alanon: Not present.  Stated that there are Alanon meeting schedules at the AA office.

District 5 Liaison: Dave W. reported that Dist. 5 is hurting financially ($ 1,200 – $ 1,700 book balance). Dave asked that this be brought up to groups.

Entertainment: Kevin K. reported there was a meeting last month (good turn out – good support). The new temporary treasurer is Lori.  Kevin is rotating out of the chair role. There has been some interest for this position. Discussed possible changes to how functions are managed. Possibly have area home groups sponsor functions, such as camp outs. This would spread out the workload.

Mark L. stated that the role of the Entertainment Chair is to attend and oversee committee meetings, delegate responsibilities, report to Intergroup monthly, give financial report to Intergroup every three months.

Corned Beef and Cabbage went well. Next function is the Cline Falls Picnic (June 5).

Hot Line: Wayne S. says they are busy organizing. Has confirmed hotline members and has updated lists.  All hotline positions are filled at this time (9 positions + Mikey – office). But actively looking for people interested in hotline service work. Had a meeting (all in attendance except two). Are developing: 1.) Call log for each member to fill out and turn in each month. 2.) Updated 12 step lists. Wayne handed out a 12-step list sheet to all IGR’s to bring back to groups.  Have them filled out and bring back to the April IG meeting. The goal is to match experienced with less-experienced people for 12 step calls. This should help with gaining experience and spur more rotation (get more people interested and involved).  Wayne requested one-time funds (up to $ 150) for copy expenses and for Western Regional AA directories. Asked if the Conscious Contact could be provided for each hotline member.

Newsletter: Theo G. reported that there was no March newsletter due to computer software and financial issues. Need to pay the printer in advance and have money for stamps. Hank to help Theo get this covered. Tonya and Shari will help Theo get updated and appropriate software. Will plan on publishing and distributing the April Conscious Contact.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 116; Hotline – 59; Al-Anon – 10.  Income Detail: Books/Lit $988.35; Coins/Misc. $528.20; Newsletter $0.00; Deposits $2,527.51.

Potluck: Tom R. reported that last night’s potluck went well and that the electrical outlets worked better. There was plenty of food and good speakers. April potluck will be in Prineville at the Calvary Baptist Church. Still have months available for group sponsorship.

Schedules: Shari A. reported that the new schedules are published and available at this meeting.

Website: Cory S. reported the website is going well. Presented a traffic report. Stated that he has not been receiving activity flyers (please e-mail or mail copies to Cory).

D. Old Business

Opened nominations for Entertainment Committee Chairperson. Discussion about how committee should operate.  There are concerns regarding the amount of work for committee members and how to alleviate (area communities groups sponsor activities, etc.). Laurakay asked if Kevin would say on as committee chairperson for another month.  Kevin agreed to this. The committee will next meet on April 15 at 7:00 PM (Tonya’s house).

E. New Business

Wayne S. made a motion for a one-time (up to) $ 150 funding for the hotline. Motion passed

Wayne S. asked if IG, in the past, has made a practice of donating $ 1,000 to New York. He suggested that Intergroup discuss this donation with District 5 before donating to New York. Stated that District 5 is struggling financially and that funds could better be used here during these times. Had various statements regarding this.

Motion made: Before excess funds are dispersed to non-local entities IG will send a liaison to local entities and bring back to IG before decision is made (2 months notice). Motion seconded, but not passed (8 yes, 10 no).


Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., April 25, 2010 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Mark S.

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