June 24, 2012


Chairperson Jerry R. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC at 5:37pm.

Attendance sheet was passed.  Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.  Introductions were made.

Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)
(Alan A – WFS) (Dave W – Tue Night AA) (CJ B – EER) (Shari A – Chicks w/Chips) (Cory S –As Men See It) (Linda N – Safe Harbor) (Carrie B – New Horizons) (Kelly A – Primary Purpose) (Pete M – Men’s Book Study) (Reed K. – Redmond Rebels) (Bill B – Att. Adj) (Mike W. – Young and Sober)

(Jerry R – Chair) (Doug M – Advisory Board) (Mark C – Webmaster) (Linda T – Treasurer) (Eileen F – Newsletter) (April C. – Safe Harbor) (Joan C – COIG Office Manager) (Fred B – Attitude Adjustment) (Cody L. – New Horizons)

A. Approval of Minutes

Minutes were approved as read.

B. Treasurer’s Report

Linda reported a negative balance due to the lack of group contributions.  The operating account is down. She reported that the Potluck is not paying for itself. The report was accepted with a change to reflect the correct date. A recommendation was made to delete the section titled “Operating Activities” from the report in the future because it appears to have no useful purpose.

C. Committee Reports:

Al-Anon: No Report

District 5 Liaison: No Report

Entertainment: No Report

Hot Line: No Official Report.  Sherrill was not in attendance, however, per Joan, she has continued to cover the hotline with volunteers and Intergroup Office.

Newsletter: Eileen will inform the people with paid subscriptions that they will no longer receive them by mail. She will also send a form for them to choose receiving their Conscious Contact through PDF file, donating the remainder of their subscription, or receiving a refund.  They will also be able to download it for free from the COIG Website.

Office: A report and ledger was provided to the group.  The Intergroup Office is covering the Hotline on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Joan and Jack are keeping a record of the office calls and Hotline calls received.

Potluck: Tuesday night AA sponsored a great Potluck.  The 7th Tradition was $39.82 which is not enough to cover the rent.

Schedules: New Meeting Schedules for July-September are complete and available beginning today 6/24/12.

Website: Mark reported he posted the new Meeting Schedule to the Website.

D. Old Business:

Intergroup Chairperson: The Intergroup continues to need an Intergroup Chairman.  Jerry read the requirements for the office.  IGRs are encouraged to recruit a Chairman.

Donations to Intergroup: Discussion re: possible solutions.  Doug will draft a letter to send to Central Oregon Groups emphasizing the guidelines for donations and the need for donations in order to continue to provide Intergroup services.

  1. New Business:



Meeting adjourned at 6:40pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., July 22, 2012 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Joan C, COIG Office Manager


Pattie O, Intergroup Secretary

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