July 28, 2013


Chairperson Vickie M. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC (St. Helens Hall) at 5:30pm.

Attendance sheet was passed.  Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.  Introductions were made. Vickie reminded individuals about voting eligibility.  Only IGR’s and AB members are eligible to vote.

Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)

(Pattie O-Safe Harbor)(Tony W-WFS)(Doug M-Adv. Board)(Greg B-As Men See It)(Pam M-Al-Anon) (Dave W-Tue. AA)(Kasey Z-Rule 62)(Bill O-Adv. Board)(Pete M-Men’s Book study)

(Liz T-Att. Adj.)(Rivka G-ABC)(Sandie-Sober Sisters)(Steve G-WFS)


(Vickie M- Chair)(Jennifer C.)(Linda T-Treasurer)

A. Approval of Minutes

Minutes were read and approved

B. Treasurer’s Report

Bend Broadband is still charging us, but will stop next month.  Joan wants to order a very large order of books ($1500).  Will discuss in new business.  We are staying consistent supporting ourselves.  Linda presented the YTD report.  Total income was $2483 and total Expenses were $2252. It was pointed out that the YTD report will take a few months to balance out and make sense due to the ½ month reporting.  Linda requested that we place something in the newsletter asking for groups to donate more to COIG.

Treasurers Report was approved as read.

C. Committee Reports:


Monthly Office Report: Total Office calls were 52 with 145 after hour calls.  There were 83 Office Visitors.   Income:  Books and Literature- $461.95; Coins and Misc. – $564.20; Donations- $1412.61; Potluck – $45.00.  Expenses: Book and Coin orders- $345.45.   Schedule changes were added to the report.  They should be available on the website.

HOTLINE: The Hotline is in need of help.  The list of available times will be posted on the website as well as in the newsletter.


Al-Ateen would like to have meetings after the potluck during the speaker meeting.  In addition, they will begin regular Al-Ateen meetings at United Methodist Church every Wednesday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.  IGRs please encourage your children to attend or announce in your group.


Jennifer is requesting stories.  There was discussion regarding adding the donations list by group to the newsletter so that groups know who has been contributing.  Please send any jokes, stories, or other AA related information to her.  The email is listed on the website.  COIGAA.ORG


Safe Harbor hosted the potluck.  The venue changed to United Methodist Church in their basement.  It was well attended considering the change and that there was a campout going during that weekend.  The change cost the Intergroup nothing since it was an oversight from the Board of Directors for the Family Kitchen. New Horizons will host the next Potluck in August.


September 15 will be the cutoff for any changes that need to go into the Schedules.


Not Present.

D. Old Business:

Vice Chair position:  No one stood for position.

Secretary Position: No volunteers.  There is a member hoping to be at the next IG meeting to stand for the position.

E. New Business:

  1. The church has asked that the groups turn on and off the air-conditioner at the appropriate times.
  2. A vote was taken for the Al-Anon flyer to be posted on the Website.  It Passed.
  3. Add Birthday back on the newsletter by group.  It is up to each IGR to send list to the newsletter chair by the last week of the month
  4. MOTION: Form an AD-HOC committee consisting of 2 IGRs, 2 Advisory Board members, and the Chairperson to work on changes for the Bylaws.  MOTION PASSED:
    1. AD-HOC committee is as follows:

Dave W – IGR – Tuesday Night AA

Rivka L – IGR – ABC

Pattie O – Advisory Board Member – Safe Harbor

Steve G – Advisory Board Member – WFS

Vickie M – COIG Chairperson – Tuesday Night AA


Meeting adjourned at 6:30pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, August 25th at TEC St. Helens Hall.

Yours in Service, Pattie O

(Acting) Intergroup Secretary

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