
Vice-Chairperson Laurakay L. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. Date:  July 25, 2010.  Time: 5:30 PM. Place: TEC, Bend.  Attendance sheet was passed.

Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L. – SOS (IGR); Shari A. – Step Sisters (IGR / Schedules Chair); Stan E. – (Adv. Bd.); Terry J. – Primary Purpose (Adv. Bd.); Debbie R. – Primary Purpose (IGR); Tim M. – Oasis (IGR); Steve G. – WFS (IGR); Vera F. – Att. Adj. (IGR); Darla B. – WTGTAL (Adv. Bd.); CJ C. – Eastside Early Risers (IGR); Melissa C. – Tues. Back to the Big Book (IGR); Sherrill H. – New Horizons (IGR / Newsletter Chair); Cory S. – As Men See It (Alt. IGR / Webmaster); Laurakay L. – Tues. Nite (Vice-chair)

Others Present:  Mark S. – Oasis (Secretary); Tom R. – Attitude Adj. (Potluck Chair); Heidi S. (Entertainment Chair); Wayne S. – As Men See It (Hotline Chair); Eileen F. – Attitude Adj. (Newsletter Chair)

A.            Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting (June 27, 2010) were read. Minutes approved with two corrections.

B.            Treasurer’s Report

Mikey presented the Treasurers report.  Approved as submitted.

C.          Committee Reports:

Alanon: Not present.

District 5 Liaison: Not present.

Entertainment: Heidi S. reported that all is going well. She went to Spirit Fest at Warm Springs and said it was incredible (highly suggested). Held a committee meeting and stated that a lot of La Pine people attended (will be helping with the Newberry Crater Campout). Discussed the use voucher (Bend Community Center) and the possibility to use for the Halloween function. This voucher is valid until the end of 2010. Laurakay asked Heidi to check on New Years Eve also (contact at the Community Center is Linda). Will get with IG treasurer with the entertainment account balance by 8/15/10 (so it matches the IG treasurers report).

Next committee meeting will be held on August 5 in Redmond.

Hot Line: Wayne S. reported there are 2 new hotline people on board and that all shifts are covered. Will be setting up positions for 2 hotline reserves. Will go to a rotating schedule of 3 months on and 3 months off. There were 30 information calls on the 12 step logs. Needs a list of dates for IG office holidays from Mikey.

Newsletter: Eileen reported she is working on the software.  Needs August birthdays (very soon). Asked if the expense was warranted for the colored back page of the newsletter. Discussed and decided to leave as is. Discussed newsletter budget. Terry J. stated that there was an error in a cell formula on the spreadsheet.  Will need to be corrected. Terry J. gave a CD to Eileen (list of mailings to confirm and update recipients). Discussed newsletter volume numbering (stay with current month’s numbers). Sandi gave Eileen flyers for the High Desert Roundup to insert into the newsletter mailing. Eileen asked if this had been approved by IG. Re-read Oct. 25, 2009 minutes and it was determined that this flyer would not be allowed. Vera F. suggested that this be brought back to the groups for discussion. Eileen anticipated the possibility of outside groups asking for the newsletter mailing list. Asked if this information should be given. Laurakay suggested “no” and asked for a show of hands.  Show of hands affirmed this.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 114, Hotline – 64, Al-Anon – 10.  Income Detail: Books/Lit $533.85; Coins/Misc. $633.35; Newsletter $3.42; Deposits $1,993.28.

Potluck: Tom R. reported that last night’s potluck was excellent. Plenty of help, plenty of food, electrical issues were fixed. Alanon speaker was very quiet.  Is there a need for a P.A. system? Was decided some time ago to use the Entertainment P.A. system if needed. Have host groups for August and September.  October is in Prineville. November and December are alcothons.

Schedules: Shari A. brought more schedules for distribution to groups. Asked that changes be e-mailed to her. Wayne S. asked that Shari e-mail to him the draft of the new schedule so he can add it to the hotline workbook in a timely manner. Jerry (hotline member) asked if the 7:00 PM Sunday meeting at the Redmond Hospital was still going. Yes it is.

Website: Cory S. handed out a web traffic report. Has updated the web site domain. Discovered that there were extra services that are not needed (resulting in extra expenses). He is changing this. Has received a flyer for a fundraiser for the High Desert Roundup. Laurakay asked him to post this with disclaimer.

D.            Old Business: Asked for nominations for Treasurer.  No takers. Shari A. stated that Liz (former Newsletter Chair) has expressed interest, but could not attend this meeting. Laurakay stated that a nominee must be present at the meeting in order to stand for a position. Will ask Liz to be present at the August meeting.  Mikey to cover for another month.

E. New Business: None


Meeting was adjourned at 6:21 pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., August 22, 2010 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Mark S.

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