February 26, 2012


Chairperson Jerry R. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC at 5:32pm.

Attendance sheet was passed.  Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.  Introductions were made.

Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)

(Mikey L – SOS) (Jim B – ABC) (Dave W – Tue Night AA) (Mark M – Att. Adj.) (Jenny L – Steps to Sobriety) (Steve G – WFS) (Cory S – As Men See It) (Lee B – New Horizons) (Pete M – Men’s Book Study) (Patsy S – Open Hand) (Doug M – 11th Step) (David M – Young & Sober) (Stan E – Safe Harbor) (Peggy R – Make my Day)


(Eileen F. – Newsletter) (Alan A – Potluck) (Wayne S – Hotline) (Heidi S – Entertainment) (Jerry R – Chair) (Pattie O – Secretary) (Mark C – Webmaster) (Darla B – District 5 Liaison) (Sherrill H – New Horizons)

A. Approval of Minutes

Minutes were approved as read.

B. Treasurer’s Report

Linda presented the Treasurer’s Report.  An error was pointed out on 2 line items.  Number 810 (Advertising) for $1146.56 and Number 895 (World Services) for $1146.56.   The Advisory Board had missed the error.   It could not be determined what the actual numbers were on Advertising and World Services.  There was a motion:  “Treasurer to correct error on report and bring to March meeting”.  MOTION PASSED.  Report not approved as read.

C. Committee Reports:

Al-Anon: Not Present.  However, Wayne reported that the Spaghetti Feed was well attended.  There were approximately 150 people and the speakers were very good.

District 5 Liaison: Darla B is the new Liaison.  She reported that District 5 is also struggling financially and could use additional help from the groups.  The District is taking a couple of motions to the Area:

  1. Bookmarks are now being provided by an outside source.  They are suggesting that GSO provide and sell the bookmarks to keep money inside AA.
  2. To increase information on Service Sponsorship within the Sponsorship Pamphlet.

Archive Chair is looking for an assistant on his committee.  Also, there will be an Artist show on May 2nd as a fundraiser for the September Assembly being hosted by District 5 here in Bend.

Entertainment: Heidi presented the year’s events calendar for 2012.  The calendar is already posted on the website.  She also passed out flyers for the St. Patty’s Day Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner and Bingo on March 17, 2012 at the Calvary Baptist Church in Prineville.  Tickets are $10 for the dinner.  To obtain tickets, please contact Heidi 541-728-5463 in Bend; Lurlyne 541-504-1343 in Redmond, or Mark 541-447-1577 in Prineville.

Heidi’s commitment is over at the end of March.  She has someone already willing to stand, but anyone wishing to stand for the position, please come to the March IGR meeting.  Steve G requested to see the Entertainment Committee bank report.  Heidi said she has been providing the report on a quarterly basis.  Dave M asked why the Kline Falls picnic had been moved.  Heidi explained that nobody showed up to the committee meeting to give a preference, so it was changed to Sam Johnson’s Park due to possible weather problems.

Hot Line: Wayne still doesn’t have all the groups’ 12-step lists turned in.  He encouraged everyone to get them in so that he can update the list.  His position is overdue to be filled.

Newsletter: Eileen stressed the importance of getting the birthdays in prior to the month of your birthday.  It is the IGR’s responsibility to get their groups information to her.  She asked that all new IGR’s send her an email so that she doesn’t send the Conscious Contact to the previous IGR on her list.  She has no other way of knowing when IGR’s rotate service in each group.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity:  Office – 97, Hotline – 73, Al-Anon – 7.

Income Detail: Books/Lit $1,434.65; Coins/Misc. $826.55; Newsletter $11.46; Deposits $3,165.66.

He noted that the average money from groups 7th Tradition at this time of year is around $1,300-$1,400.  This year it has been around $600 or $700.

Potluck: Alan reported a good turnout from the potluck which was hosted by the young people’s group.  He stated that the Potlucks go very well regardless of any other activities coinciding.

Schedules: Not Present.  The next deadline for changes is March 15.

Website: Mark reported everything up-to-date.  There were approximately 1,000 visitors to the site during the month.

D. Old Business:

  1. Hot Line Chair position:  Sherrill H from New Horizon’s stood for the position.  She was unanimously voted in.  Please contact her through the website under Hot Line.
  2. 1 Tabled Motion:  “To increase the newsletter price to individuals from $10 to $18 per year”.  The purpose is to allow the newsletter to operate within or closer to budget.


E. New Business:

Wayne reported that the Hotline is getting a lot of calls from members for rides to meetings.  He requested that IGR’s take a poll in their groups to see if they would like a separate list for people willing to give rides to meetings.  The Hot-Line is not the appropriate place to call for a ride to a meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 6:41pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., March 25, 2012 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service, Pattie O

Intergroup Secretary

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