Upcoming changes to meeting pages on the website

Going forward we will be combining the online and face to face meeting pages into one location on the website. Online meetings will need to have the full link from zoom. Meeting ID will not work. In addition, if you are planning to or currently meeting face to face,...

Hotline Needs Help

“We have needs for folks who are willing to perform 12 step calls, and possibly face to face meetings, for the still suffering alcoholic.We could use help in Culver, Warm Springs, Sisters, LaPine,Prineville, Madras,Bend, Sunriver and Redmond.This is great...

Frequently asked questions for your groups to Consider

Has your home group scheduled a group conscience or businessmeeting to consider resuming face-to-face meetings?2. Is your group familiar with the latest CDC, state and federalregulations regarding gatherings (such as wearing masks, meetingsize limits, social...