To: All General Service Conference Members
From: Carole Boerner, chair of the trustees’ Literature Committee
Re: Call for stories – New Pamphlet on AA’s Three Legacies

In response to the 2018 General Service Conference Advisory Action requesting the
development of a pamphlet based on A.A.’s Three Legacies, with emphasis on the history
of the Three Legacies, how they work together and including personal stories of members’
experiences with the Three Legacies, the trustees’ literature committee is seeking current
sharing from members in A.A. which reflect a broad range of experience and diversity
with respect to the Three Legacies.
Please encourage members in your area to write their personal stories for possible
inclusion in this new pamphlet.
Manuscripts should be 500-800 words, double spaced, in 12-point font. The author’s
complete name, address and email/phone information should be included with the
Submissions can be emailed to with “Three Legacies” in the subject
line of the message. Alternatively, submissions can be mailed to: Literature Coordinator,
General Service Office, Box 459, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163. The
deadline for submissions is November 19, 2018.
The anonymity of all authors will be observed, whether or not their story is selected for
Thank you for your participation in this process.

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