August 25, 2013


Chairperson Vickie M. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC (St. Helens Hall) at 5:30pm.

Attendance sheet was passed.  A quorum was established.  Introductions were made. Only IGR’s and AB members are eligible to vote.

Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)

(Pattie O-Safe Harbor)(Cody M-WFS)(Doug M-Adv. Board)(Greg B-As Men See It)(Scott H-Madras) (Dave W-Tue. AA)(Kasey Z-Rule 62)(Bill O-Adv. Board)(Dan P-EER)(Reed K-RDM Rebels)

(Pete M-Men’s Book study)(Liz T-Att. Adj.)(Rivka G-ABC)(Sandie C-Sober Sisters)

(Steve G-Adv. Board)(Bev D-Sister in Sobriety)


(Vickie M- Chair)(Jennifer C.-Newsletter)(Linda T-Treasurer)(Mark C-Website)(Joan C-EER)

A. Approval of Minutes

July Minutes were read and approved

B. Treasurer’s Report

There was a slight discrepancy between the Treasurer’s report and the office report.  Linda will revise her report to coincide with Joan’s.  Treasurers Report was approved as read.  Contributions were up last month and we have over $5,000 in the bank.

C. Committee Reports:


Monthly Office Report: Total Office calls were 112 with 96 after hour calls.  After Hours Sales/Deliveries: 7. 101 Office Visitors.   Income:  $3252.16 Expenses: $2048.70.


The Hotline still has one time slot available – Fri 9:00pm-9:00am.


Not present.


Jennifer will be asking individual members to write their stories.


New Horizons hosted the Potluck.  Even with a campout going on at the same time, there was fairly good attendance.  No extra costs were incurred, but next time, needed supplies may be purchased.  Dave passed around a Sign-Up sheet for the Thanksgiving Alcathon.  There is not location yet.  Dave will have at the September meeting.  Next month’s meeting will be in Madras.  Flyers were distributed and can be found on the Website.


September 15 will be the cutoff for any changes that need to go into the Schedules.


Everything is up to date.  Mark encouraged members to please notify the Website Chair when any changes occur or new information is given to the Office Manager or Newsletter Chair.


  • The Ad-Hoc committee has met twice and changes are being made to the Bylaws for review by the Groups.
  • The Advisory Board hopes to establish a budget before the end of the year to present to the Groups.
  • A motion passed allowing the Office Manager to delete Groups’ names from the contributions list that have not contributed within the past calendar year.

D. Old Business:

Vice Chair position:  No one stood for position.

Secretary Position: Cody M stood for the position and will complete the current term as indicated in the Officers Manual.

E. New Business:

Based upon some discussion at the Advisory Board meeting, Jennifer asked if she should add the contributions list to the newsletter.  It was decided that members like to see what their groups’ are contributing on a monthly/quarterly basis.

MOTION: “To include the revised contributions list to the Newsletter.  MOTION PASSED.


Meeting adjourned at 6:10pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, September 22nd at TEC St. Helens Hall.

Yours in Service, Pattie O

(Acting) Intergroup Secretary

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