August 26, 2012

Chairperson Jerry R. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC at 5:35pm.
Attendance sheet was passed. Verified eligible voters and a quorum established. Introductions were made. Jerry reminded individuals about voting eligibility. Only IGR’s are eligible to vote.
Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)
(Bill B – Att Adj)(Dave W – Tue Night AA)(RuthAnn – SIS)(Michael S – Primary Purpose)
(Peggy R – Make my Day)(Cameron S – AMSI)(Shari A – Chicks w/Chips)(Patsy S – OHF)
(Linda N – Safe Harbor)(Pete M – MBS)(Steve G – WFS)

(Jerry R – Chair)(Pattie O – Secretary)(Mark C – Webmaster)(Linda N. – Safe Harbor)
(Joan C – COIG Office Manager)(Pam N – Al-Anon)(Rich S – RDM Rebels)(Mark L – STS)
(Linda T – Treasurer)(Mark C – Sober Desire)(Kim A – DCM)(Heidi S – ABC)
(Vickie M – Tue Night AA)(Tonya T – WFS)(Bill O – Safe Harbor; HDRU Chair)(Kasey Z – Rule 62)

A. Approval of Minutes
Minutes were read and approved.
B. Treasurer’s Report
Linda reported a very nice increase in donations for the reporting month. The reports will be changed next month to reflect Linda only reporting Profit and Loss statements and YTD and Joan will be providing a report of the 7th Tradition money breakdown by date and group. It will eliminate duplicate reporting. Linda asked that the IGRs ask their Treasurer’s to get their check in prior to the 14th of the month if possible since our reporting is from the 15th to the 15th. Treasurer’s Report was approved.

C. Committee Reports:
Al-Anon: Pam encouraged the Potluck chair or groups chairing the potluck to please call her for Al-Anon speakers.
District 5 Liaison: Mike S is now our Liaison. The Area Assembly our District is hosting will be on September 21-23. Please register early. It will be at the Redmond Expo. Elections for Areas Treasurer and Secretary will be held on Saturday. All were encouraged to attend even if you are not a GSR. General Service is very interesting to watch and will give members a better understanding of how Service works.
Entertainment: Heidi presented a verbal report to the intergroup body that their Treasurer had taken $2400 from the Entertainment Committee funds. The money was taken in May and the committee members have since set up a payment schedule for him to pay back the money in full. There was much heated discussion about the issue and also about whether the Committee should be back under the financial umbrella of the Intergroup Treasury. Steve G said that the theft is a felony and we should keep people accountable and that this proves why we should put the Committee back under the main Treasury. Tonya T. spoke to the history of the Entertainment Committee and explained that the primary reason they were separate from the Intergroup Treasury was that they do not collect or take 7th Tradition money and they be in violation of the Traditions in doing so.

The Committee has changed their reporting procedure to help prevent another event like this in the future. The Committee members went to their bank to see what could be done since they have an account that should always have 2 signatures. The bank told them there was nothing they could do about the problem. It was decided to continue discussion in New Business.

Hot Line: Not Present. Joan reported that she asked the Hotline Chair to prepare a report for the IGRs to take to their groups. She has not received anything as yet.

Newsletter: Not Present.

Office: Monthly Office Report: Telephone Activity: Hotline 19 calls, Office 52 calls, Al-Anon 5 calls. There were 80 walk-ins. Income: Book and Literature – $1,069.80; Coins and Misc. – $687.95; Donations – $1,908.77; Potluck – $74.00. Book orders – $644.25 and Sobriety Coin orders – $141.80.
Total Deposits made were $3,740.52.

Potluck: Dave W filled in for Alan and reported that the New Horizon’s group hosted the Potluck and it was standing room only during the speaker meeting.

Schedules: Changes need to be in by September 15th. To avoid confusion, please let Shari know via the schedules link on the website of any meeting changes, additions or deletions. In addition, also notify the webmaster and the newsletter chair to ensure that the changes get put in all media.

Website: Mark reported he changed the title of the website to include “AA” so that it will be easier for people looking for the Central Oregon website. It is working quite well.
Old Business:

Intergroup Vice-Chair: Vicky M stood for the position and was unanimously elected as Vice-Chair. She will serve the remainder of the current term. She is a voting member of the Advisory Board.

Letter to Groups: A letter from the Advisory Board was sent out to as many groups as possible. There were several groups that reported they will be increasing their contributions to Intergroup for an undetermined period of time.
New Business:
Bill O, the Chairperson for the High Desert Roundup asked the Intergroup if they could have the speaker tapes reside on the IG Website to allow people to download them for free.
The Webmaster said it was possible and the IGRs voted to allow it.
The Entertainment Committee issue was tabled due to time constraints and to allow the Committee to gather more time and information to present in the next couple of months.
Meeting adjourned at 6:43pm. The next meeting will be at 5:30pm on September 23, 2012 at TEC.
Yours in Service, Pattie O, Intergroup Secretary

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