Meeting Minutes
April 24, 2011


Acting Chairperson Wayne S called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup, Inc. Date: April 24, 2011. Time: 5:37 PM. Place: TEC, Bend. Attendance sheet was passed.

Verified eligible voters and a quorum was established.

Voting Members Present:

Mikey L – SOS; Shari A – Chick w/Chips; Debbie R – Primary Purpose; Wayne S – As Men See It; Steve G – WFS; Mark S – Madras Oasis; Stan E – Safe Harbor; Pattie O – Secretary; Liz T – Treasurer; Cory S – Website; Alan A – Potluck; Eileen – Newsletter

Others Present: Bill B – Advisory Bd; Kathi C – DCM; Sherrie M – Al-Anon Liaison;

A.        Approval of Minutes

The March minutes were read and approved.

B.        Treasurer’s Report

TEC has been paid for the potluck room through July 2011. Treasurer’s report was read and approved.

C.       Committee Reports:

Al-Anon: Sherrie reported that they are taking a survey of their meetings regarding the Spaghetti Feed. They will either be changing to a different date or they will discontinue having it. If we have any questions regarding Al-Anon, please contact her. The new Al-Anon hotline number is 728-3707.

District 5 Liaison: Kathi reported the District has initiated a new service position. It’s called the “Freedom Liaison”. It is specifically to help people getting out of jail. They are also surveying groups regarding hosting workshops. They have a budget for (4) workshops per year. Groups are encouraged to put on workshops or request workshops regarding various AA subjects.

Entertainment: Not Present.

Hot Line: Wayne reported that all shifts are in place and a portion of them are reporting stats. They have had a lot of Al-Anon referrals. They had four (4) 12-step calls. He has updated the Hotline list.

Newsletter: Eileen was concerned that people’s birthdays were being listed in the wrong Home Group. It was discussed and determined that it is the responsibility of each group IGR or person reporting the birthdays to ensure that the information is correct. Eileen will only be responsible for listing what she is given to place in the Conscious Contact. There was discussion regarding taking out the Tumalo Speaker Meeting listing in the Conscious Contact since it is a regularly weekly scheduled meeting. After the discussion, it was determined that the IGR’s will take back to their group for input.

Office: Mikey reported Telephone Activity: Office – 105, Hotline – 47, Al-Anon – 5. Income Detail: Books/Lit $564.85; Coins/Misc. $700.95 Newsletter $17.82; Deposits $2,929.57.

Potluck: Alan reported that there was a good turnout in Prineville, however, there was a problem finding the church where it was being held. He stated that there might be a problem for the Christmas Alcathon since it falls on a Sunday. He will check with TEC to determine if we will have the Alcathon there or if he needs to find an alternative place.

Schedules: Since the schedules just came out, she says she will need additional changes by June 15th.

Website: Cory presented the Dashboard (which can be found on There was some discussion regarding some members finding the front page of the website too busy or having the information they are looking for too hidden. They wanted to see the meeting schedule more accessible.

D.        Old Business:

  • Vice Chair Position: Nobody stood for the position. Wayne stated that he is willing to stand for the position and has a person willing to step into his Hot-Line Chair position. After some discussion, it was tabled for another month to continue taking back to groups and to give Wayne and his new Hot-Line Chair a chance to communicate and be at the next meeting.

E. New Business:

  • The IGR’s were asked by the Newsletter Chair to take back to their respective groups what meetings they would like to see go into the Conscious Contact.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm. The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., May 22, 2011 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service,

Pattie O

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