April 22, 2012


Chairperson Jerry R. called to order the regular meeting of the Central Oregon Intergroup at TEC at 5:34pm.

Attendance sheet was passed.  Verified eligible voters and a quorum established.  Introductions were made.

Voting Members Present: (IGR’S)

(Alan A – WFS) (Jim B – ABC) (Dave W – Tue Night AA) (Mark M – Att. Adj.) (Lee B – New Horizons) (Patsy S – Open Hand) (Dave M – Young & Sober) (Mark S – Madras Oasis) (Joan C  -Eastside ER) (David M – Young & Sober) (Shari A – Chicks w/Chips)


(Jerry R – Chair) (Pattie O – Secretary) (Mark C – Webmaster) (Linda T – Treasurer) (Carrie B – New Horizons) (Pam M – Al-Anon) (Bill B – Att. Adj.) (Eileen F – Newsletter) (Mike S – WFS Alt.)

A. Approval of Minutes

March minutes were approved as read.

B. Treasurer’s Report

One banking account has been closed and the other account closing is waiting on action from the Office Manager since he has the only signature authority.  She purchased a ream of paper, new checks, and stamps.

Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted.

C. Committee Reports:

Al-Anon: There are no new Al-Ateen’s coming to the new meeting, but if any Groups are looking for an Al-Anon speaker for the potlucks, please contact Pam.  The IGR’s were given her number.

District 5 Liaison: Not Present.

Entertainment: Not Present.

Hot Line: Not present.  The Chairperson (Jerry) was asked to contact Sherrill since she has already missed 2 meetings.

Newsletter: Eileen asked the IGRs to please get the birthdays for the next month to her so before the 20th.  She voiced a concern regarding paid subscriptions if the paper version of the Conscious Contact was going to be cancelled.  (See New Business for details or Motions)

Office: The Office Manager was not present.

Potluck: Prineville Potluck will be at the Calvary Baptist Church from now on when the Potluck is in Prineville.  The address is:

2241 N Main St, Prineville, OR

It was discussed that new information really needs to get to the Webmaster and the Newsletter Chair.  Their information can be found on the Central Oregon Intergroup Website.  Also, Alan asked how to proceed with getting money.  He normally would get a check from Mikey for monthly potlucks to the venues.  Linda said to send her both addresses and she will now send checks for both Bend and Prineville.

Schedules: Please get any changes in by mid-June for the July scheduled printing.  There was also discussion from IGRs as to whether we could cut costs by printing less schedules.  It was pointed out that too many changes happen in each quarter to use old printed schedules.

Website: Mark reported everything up-to-date.  He again stressed that he has no way of knowing if information is not correct unless he is notified regarding any errors or changes.  Please contact him for any changes or mistakes.  There were approximately 840 visitors to the site with 1400 hits during the month.

D. Old Business:


E. New Business:

1.   It was discussed regarding how the Intergroup should be self supporting and paying the Church for the Advisory Board and IGR meetings on the 4th Sunday.  It was tabled to look into Traditions and how much money to give to the Church.

2.  There was a motion to have a “Vote of confidence by the IGRs for Mikey (the Office Manager)”.

3.   Pattie provided a summary of what transpired at all of the additional Advisory Board Meetings.  The IGRs that were present will bring the information to their groups.


Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm.  The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., May 27, 2012 in Bend at TEC.

Yours in Service, Pattie O

Intergroup Secretary

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